Germany provided 54.5 million euro assistance to Tajikistan

Dushanbe, 12.02.2016. (NIAT “Khovar”). — According to the signed agreements between the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, 54.5 million euro will be allocated for the projects in the fields of healthcare, education, energy, professional education, school construction and development of micro-financing system in rural areas and rehabilitation of social infrastructure.
According to the treaties agreed during the Tajik-German intergovernmental negotiations, which were held in 2014 in Bonn of Federal Republic of Germany, a signing ceremony of an Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on financial cooperation for 2014- 2015 and the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on technical cooperation for 2014-2015 took place yesterday at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.
These Agreements were signed by the Minister of Economic Development and Trade Ne’matullo Hikmatullozoda and Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Tajikistan Holger Green.
The agreements have been developed with a view to the implementation of social projects at the expense of grant funds of the Federal Republic of Germany.
It should be noted that such agreements are signed every two years after completion of the intergovernmental negotiations and they will show the grant funds, which are allocated by the Government of Germany for the implementation of projects of financial and technical cooperation.