As a result of Boeing crash in southern Russia 61 died

Dushanbe, 19.03.2016. (NIAT «Khovar»). — A total of 61 people, including the crew, who were on board a Boeing 737-800 passenger jet bound from Dubai, were died in a crash in southern Russia’s Rostov-on-Don airport, TASS reports quoting emergencies services.
«According to specified information, there were 55 passengers and six crew members on board,» a source said.
«According to preliminary data, the jet bound from Dubai crashed during runway approach,» he said.
The Russian Emergencies Ministry’s Southern Regional Center confirmed information on the crash. The Rostov-on-Don airport is currently closed.
Emergencies services told TASS that «during runway approach the plane fell apart and caught fire.» «The fire has been put out by now,» a source said.
Operative groups of rescuers and other emergencies services are working on the site.