SAFETY OF TOURISTS. On this topic the NIAT «Khovar» correspondent interviewed the Chairman of the Committee for Tourism Development under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Numon Abdughafforzoda

DUSHANBE, 09.08.2018 /NIAT «Khovar/. The safety of foreign tourists on the territory of Tajikistan is fully ensured, and they can travel and enjoy the beautiful nature in any corner of our beloved country. This point was expressed yesterday, August 8 by the Chairman of the Committee for Tourism Development under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Numon ABDUGHAFORZODA at an exclusive interview with NIAT “Khovar” correspondent Khurshed HAMDAM.
Numon Abdughafforzoda said that the July 29 terror act in Danghara district against foreign tourists would not prevent further tourism development in Tajikistan. Tourists are well aware that there are no borders, no nation, no religion, and no universal values for terrorists. Wherever it is, they will not abandon any meanness in the name of implementing their dirty plans. No tourist has canceled his trip to Tajikistan to date. Visiting of tourists continues in accordance with pre-planned plans. All travel partner companies operating outside the country stated that this incident did not affect their programs in connection with the organization of trips to Tajikistan.
The Chairman of the Committee for Tourism Development under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan stressed that a competent group of law enforcement officers was established at the instructions of the President of the country Emomali Rahmon immediately after the terrorist attack, which promptly disclosed this crime, detained a part of criminals, and liquidated the other part. It should be noted that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has organized a new department to ensure the safety of tourists, and a meeting of the department’s management with the heads of tourism companies has already taken place. There will be close cooperation and direct communication between the employees of this newly formed structure and employees of travel companies. This will make it possible to quickly solve all arising problems. The step taken will contribute to strengthening the trust of foreign tourists. Even the tourists themselves announced that the recent attack on tourists will not be an obstacle to their trip to Tajikistan.
N. Abdughafforzoda added that the Committee for Tourism Development under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for the last 6 months with the purpose of developing tourism and ensuring the safety of tourists has developed a number of documents, including the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Tourism” in the new version. This law, along with the tourism development, also provides specific provisions on the safety of tourists.
It should be noted that the “Program of the Tourism Development Strategy in Tajikistan for the period up to 2030” was adopted on August 1 for the first time, and certainly this important document will fully promote the tourism development in the country. The Strategy covers the current state of the sphere and the opportunities for tourism development in various regions of the country, and its monitoring system is also defined.
The strategy will be implemented in three medium-term stages, each of which consists of four years, and part of it is aimed at protecting the rights of tourists and ensuring their safety in the republic.
“Tourists’ trips to the republic are increasing. For the first 6 months of this year, 950 thousand foreign citizens visited Tajikistan as a whole. This figure is 3.5 times more compared to the same period of last year. During this period, the geography of visits of tourists expanded, they are currently coming from 135 countries. During this time, 53 new travel companies were created. The improvement of the state in the tourism sphere of Tajikistan takes place at a time when a meeting of the Council for Tourism of the CIS member states will be held in Dushanbe on August 10-11. The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan is preparing for this event at the appropriate level. After the meeting, the guests will visit the sights of Tajikistan”,- said Chairman of the Committee for Tourism Development under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Numon Abdughafforzoda.