“TAJIKISTAN – THE LAND OF TOURISM”. Norak city hosts an international forum and exhibition

DUSHANBE, 30.08.2018 /NIAT “Khovar”/. On August 30-31, Norak city hosts an international tourism forum and exhibition “Tajikistan – the land of tourism” with the participation of travel agencies from Korea, Austria, Kazakhstan, China, Kuwait and Tajikistan, the Committee for Tourism Development under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan reports.
According to the source, this is the second international tourism forum and exhibition held by the mentioned Committee within the Year of Tourism and Folk Crafts Development.
The international tourism forum and exhibition on tourism and folk crafts opportunities was held on June 30 and July 1 in Isfara city of Sughd province, as a result of which a document on cooperation between travel agencies of Tajikistan and the travel agencies of United Arab Emirates, China, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan was signed.