SCNS Chief, Prosecutor – General, GBAO Governor summed up the results of work of interagency commission in charge of providing law and order in the GBAO region

With the attendance of the Chairman of the State Committee for National Security of the Republic of Tajikistan Saymumin Yatimov and General prosecutor of the Republic of Tajikistan Yusuf Rahmon the meeting of the region’s activists of Badakhshon province was hosted in which it was summed up from the per-month activity of the interdepartmental national security provision in the province.
With the purpose of implementing the instructions of the Founder of Peace and National Unity – Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon and during his meeting with activities and leaders of Badakhshon province that was held in Khorugh city on 15 September 2018 it was established ever-acting Interdepartmental National Security Headquarters headquarter in the province, which has performed practical measures in this direction within one month- said vice-chairman of Badakhshon province Yodgor Faizov.
Thank to the constant support of the Leader of the Nation Leader for the stable social economic development of the Province the chairman of state committee for National security National of the Republic of Tajikistan expressed that peace and security is a key element of all constructions and landscaping. It was noted that with the efforts of the Founder of Peace and national Unity-President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, Tajik nation that was dispersed during the civil war of the late 90s of last century, has been brought together, and the peace and security new restored in this country. It was evidence of that the honor of the leader of the nation was recognized than of all personal profits real basis was laid for the state of socioeconomic development of the country.
It was stressed that the visits of the Leader of the Nation to the various regions of the country and during the next of his visit to Badakshon region the largest mine production enterprises Tajikistan HHP have been have been commissioned. In general, during the trip in the cities and districts, 20 different types of facilities were funded by more than 890 million somoni from different sources of funding, which was the main focus of the Leader of the Nation for the developing of this remote corner of the country.
Reminding from the initiatives of Leader of the Nation to celebrate the 28th anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, in Khorog Saymumin Yatimov, the Chairman of the State Committee for National Security of the Republic of Tajikistan has stated that this is another special attention of the head of the State and Government of the country for the people of this area of the country.
It urges every citizens of the province in order get serious political, social and culture readiness for this historical holiday and to be a contributors in the constructive works. It is also expected to build and construct 90 different types of objects in the province with a maximum of more than 2 billion somoni, in order to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Handling of the certain part of the youth and teenagers with crimes including keeping illegal weapons, and narcotic drugs and other crimes is a main issue and expressed that the future of the nation is depends on knowledge personality and ethics of today’s generation. It was expressed that nowadays the leaders and members of organized criminal groups are putting negative effective to the young people’s upbringing, just youth with helping and explanation of these grouts handle with illegal actions.
Although most of the residents of Badakhshan are educated and hospitality people but unfortunately, acts of separated persons including those who handle with illegal firearms and narcotics, no-following the law demands of the republic of Tajikistan negatively introduce this faithful people of Tajikistan «- the Chairman of the State Committee for National Security of the republic of Tajikistan Saymumin Yatimov.
It was noted that such actions became obstruction for the development Unfortunately, with the efforts of the Leader of Nation Emomali Rahmon, until 2000, such groups have been destroyed in all regions of the country, and has been given a clear foundation for the development of constructive work. Unfortunately, in Badakhshon region these organized criminal groups in some situation have more reputation than heads of the local executive powers, because state officials and other responsible authorities feel no responsibility impartiality. The activity of such groups mainly is at the center of the province used including of Khorugh, the districts of Rushon, and Rostqala, to involve a large number of young people. Taking into account the instructions of the Leader of the Nation on ensure security in Badakhshan, and in particular Khorugh city, hereafter the criminal gangsters who do not follow the acting Laws of the republic of Tajikistan will respond for their committed crimes by all means in accordance with the laws of the republic of Tajikistan, because no one has the right to commit crimes for his personal interests, undermining peace and stability in the region.
It was expressed confidence that during the reporting period of a month, a total of 183 weapons and war equipments optionally were given by the members of organized criminal groups to the region’s Interdepartmental Headquarter for Security Provision that consisted of 75 Kalashnikov arms, 3 Kalashnikov machine guns, and 30 grenades.
It was stressed that further the leadership of province, cities and districts, other responsible structures who are responsible to provide the law supremacy should be very serious on their duties and create favorable basis for the improving the welfare, and constructive activities.
Rahmon Yusuf Ahmadzod, the General prosecutor of the Republic of Tajikistan with the reminding from regular efforts Leader of the Nation on provision of peace and security in independent Tajikistan and providing worthy living condition for each citizen stressed that unfortunately some people are not following the law supremacy and are destroying the steady development process of country.
The collection of a certain amount of weapons within a month indicates that resident’s still illegal keeping weapon and there is no guarantee that to talk about the peace and security is meaningless. Members of the organized criminal groups are involved in the influence of the criminal justice system, which creates a serious threat to the community noticed General prosecutor of Tajikistan Rahmon Yusuf.
At the same time with other law violations that were registered in the territory of Badakshon province also, individuals took a large amount of debts from operating banks in the territory of province and the payment of debts has not returned to the bank after the expiry of their repayment period. At the same time the responsible persons of a number of banks mastered the state amounts with the preparation counterfeit documents which are a concern. It was noted that criminal cases should be initiated if the remainder cannot be restored in the shortest time possible. Also was expressed anxiety from non-observance of indicators of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On regulation of traditional traditions and ceremonies” and the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “About the responsibility of parents in education and training of children” and it was stressed that for the implementation of the charters of these laws all members of the society must have a serious responsibility. Acting Head of Badakshon province Yodgor Faizov stressed that with the aim to implement the instructions and guidance the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Ramon given during the meeting with the activists and leadership of Badakshon from September 15 in Khorugh city was established the Regular acting Inter-departmental Headquarter of the security provision authority in province which within a month in this direction, it has carried out serious action measures. The complete solution of the shortages that was noticed during the speech Leader of the Nation with the leadership and activists of province it requires a long time and cannot be completely removed within a month.
As a result of the impact of organized crime groups, people who have been working with them for a long time are required to have serious responsibilities. But thanks to the opportunity given by the Leading Leader of the nation to provide the rule of law in the region without the completion of military action, each of us must have a serious responsibility and pay the full range of weapons available to the public in the appropriate structures and the leaders and the Criminal groups have returned to the normal life of peace.
The other participants of the council expressed gratitude to Leader of the Nation from the development and peace in Badakshon province and stressed their readiness on provision the law supremacy.
TV “Jahonnamo” translate this article.