New Organic Brand of Chips from Pamir

KHORUG, 19.12.2018 (NIAT Khovar) — The number of fans of the new brand of chips called Mountain Foods is growing every day.
One of the main advantages of the Khorug produced chips over its imported analogs are its organic ingredients. Currently, the company produces nearly one and a half tons of chips in ten minutes.
The company was established in 2017 with the participation of the Deputy Prime Minister of Tajikistan Mahmadtohir Zokirzoda. Initially, the company employed only five people. Now it has twenty employees.
A center for business plan development, teaching and entrepreneurship development was created at the company. A hotel for guests and workshop participants has also been built near the company.
Production of other products, including pure uncarbonated water, fruit and vegetable juices are also planned.