Foreign Diplomats Accredited in Dushanbe Visit Arkhu Gorge

DUSHANBE, 15.08.2019 (NIAT Khovar) – Tajikdipservice under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan organized an excursion to the Arkhu Gorge for the heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in Tajikistan. On this tour Tajik Minister of Foreign Affairs Sirojiddin Muhriddin accompanied foreign diplomats, reported the Tajik Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The picturesque Arkhu Gorge is located in the eastern part of Romit at a distance of 75 km from Vahdat at an altitude of 1900 meters above sea level.
The Rudipok River flows through this gorge with crystal clear water, which originates in mountain springs and streams. This area attracts with its beautiful high mountains, rich flora and fauna, clean mountain air and a pleasant fresh breeze.
Vahdat’s administration welcomed foreign guests with special cordiality and warmth in the new tourist complex Arkhu, which was opened by President Rahmon on August 2.
An exhibition of products by local artisans, medicinal herbs, fruits and dried fruits of the gorge was organized for guests.
The opening of modern tourist complexes such as Arkhu within the framework of the announced Years of Rural Development, Tourism and Folk Crafts testifies to the development of the tourism sector and the creation of ample opportunities for leisure of domestic and foreign tourists in various picturesque places of Tajikistan.