Tajik Athletes Won Multiple Medals at the Asian Sambo Championships in India

DUSHANBE, 17.09.2019. (NIAT Khovar) – The Asian Sambo Championship among teenagers, juniors, youth and adults was held from September 13 through September 15 in Delhi, India.
Athletes from 21 countries participated at the event. Tajikistan was represented by 12 athletes, 11 of whom won medals, including 3 gold, 1 silver, and 7 bronze.
Sherdil Almosov, Saidibroz Ikromov among youth and Mirzojamil Ramazonov among adults won gold medals.
The silver medal was received by Firuz Muminov among youth.
Komiljon Haydarali, Subhon Mirzomurodzoda, Muhammadjon Ziyoyev (all among teenagers), Talabsho Munavvarov, Hamroz Rajabov, Odiljon Safarov and in combat sambo Khudoyor Rajabzoda (all among adults) received bronze medals.