Press Center of the SCNS’s Border Troops Reports

DUSHANBE, 11.01.2020. (NIAT Khovar) – Yet another series of provocations by Kyrgyz citizens occured at the state border. Kyrgyz citizens have been systematically attacking Tajik citizens and escalating the situation, reports the Press Center of the Border Troops of the State Committee for National Security (SCNS) of Tajikistan.
One such provacation occured on January 10, at 17:15. Saidali Narziev, a resident of the Koktosh village in the Aksay rural community of the Kyrgyz Batken district broke the window of a bakery located in the Somoniyon village in the Tajik city of Isfara.
On January 11, from 00:30 through 00:50, Koktosh village residents fired 15 shots from a hunting weapon into the air in order to intimidate the residents of Somoniyon village. Utilizing makeshift weapons and stones, at 01:50 a group of Koktash village residents attacked the house of a resident of Somoniyon village Davlatboy Nasriddinov and fired a hunting rifle at his front door.
With the direct intervention of law enforcement officers of both countries, these attacks were suppressed. Despite this, from 02:20 through 06:30 Kyrgyz citizens continued their provocations, shooting from hunting weapons and a Kalashnikov assault rifle.
At 14:00 on the same day, as Farhodjon Ajobiddinzoda, a resident of Muminobod village in Isfara’s Chorkuh rural community was driving his car (license plate number 2583 DO 02) through the territory of Koktosh village towards Somoniyon village where a large crowd of military personnel and Kyrgyz citizens had gathered, Koktosh’s residents Hadyatullo Ismailov, Zandi Berdiev, Hasan Ilomov and 15 others, among them Kyrgyz border guards and police officers, stopped the car, knocked out his windshield with a stone, broke the car’s door and injured him. Also at 15:10, the group threw stones at the Sprinter passenger minibus (license plate number 8500 TT 02) belonging to the resident of Chorkuh rural community Yakub Yusupov.
Of particular concern are the frequent cases of the use of hunting weapons by individual Kyrgyz citizens. The weapons are being used to provoke and threaten the life and health of Tajik citizens.
The shooting has been currently stopped and the situation is under control.
Press Center of the Border
Troops of the State Committee
for National Security of Tajikistan