Tajik Judoka Rahimov Wins Silver Medal at the Baku Grand Slam

9 ноября, 2021 12:16

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DUSHANBE, 09.11.2021 (NIAT Khovar) – Tajik judoka Temur Rahimov won the silver medal at the Baku Grand Slam, reports the National Olympic Committee of Tajikistan.

In the +100 kg weight category, Rahimov began the competition in the quarterfinals where he defeated Thiago Palmini from Brazil. In the semifinals, he defeated Sven Hinle from Germany, but in the final lost to Tatsura Saito from Japan. Ushangi Kokauri from Azerbaijan and Tsetsensengel Odkhuu from Mongolia won bronze medals in this weight category.

The Baku Grand Slam was held from November 5 through November 7 and was attended by 195 athletes, including 128 men and 67 women from 29 countries.

9 ноября, 2021 12:16

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