Russian Prosecutor General’s Office Asks to Recognize the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan as a Terrorist
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DUSHANBE, 30.07.2022 (NIAT Khovar) – The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office has filed a lawsuit to recognize the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan (IRPT) as terrorist, reports RIA Novosti with reference to the Russian Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov.
“At the meeting of the Coordinating Council of CIS Prosecutors General in Minsk in June, we adopted a number of decisions aimed at improving the security of the Commonwealth countries. We have already filed a corresponding lawsuit against the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan,” Krasnov said.
Until 2015, the IRPT was the only legally operating Islamic political party in the post-Soviet space. For the participation of the leadership of the IRPT in an attempted armed coup in the same year, 14 party members were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment, two to life imprisonment.
In 2015, the Supreme Court of Tajikistan, at the suit of the Prosecutor General, recognized the Islamic Renaissance Party as terrorist and extremist organization, and also banned its activities in the republic. In addition, the party is included in the register of terrorist organizations of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure.