Dushanbe Hosts A Meeting of the CSTO Interstate Commission on Military-Economic Cooperation
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DUSHANBE, 28.04.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – Yesterday, Dushanbe hosted the XXI meeting of the Interstate Commission on Military and Economic Cooperation of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).
The meeting was chaired by the Russian Deputy Prime Minister — Minister of Industry and Trade, Chairman of the CSTO Interstate Commission on Military and Economic Cooperation Denis Manturov.
The meeting focused on the results of the activities of the Commission on the implementation of the decisions of the XX meeting, held in October last year in Moscow, as well as the current decisions of the Organization’s bodies, including the CSTO Collective Security Council. A package of documents has been prepared for its subsequent submission for consideration by the CSTO supreme bodies.
The issues of holding the Interpolitech International Forum were discussed, changes were made to the List of International Exhibitions held in 2023-2024, as well as information was heard on the work on the preparation and publication of a series of specialized catalogs.