Dushanbe Will Host a Festival of Craftsmen and the Folk Crafts Exhibition
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DUSHANBE, 12.04.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – According to the decree of the Chairman of Dushanbe Rustam Emomali, an action plan was approved for the preparation and holding of the second round of the Festival of Craftsmen of Tajikistan and the exhibition of folk crafts entitled “Craft is more expensive than gold.”
The festival is held in order to fulfill the Plan for holding festivals, exhibitions, holidays, competitions of traditions, folk crafts, celebrations and anniversaries in Tajikistan for 2023, approved by the Presidential Decree.
The Chairman of Dushanbe instructed the responsible persons to take appropriate measures to hold the Festival of Craftsmen of Tajikistan and the exhibition of folk crafts entitled “Craft is more expensive than gold” at a high organizational and ideological level.