Rajabboy Ahmadzoda Elected Chairman of Tajikistan’s Archery Federation
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DUSHANBE, 29.05.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – An elective meeting of the Archery Federation of Tajikistan was held on May 26, at which a new Chairman of the Federation was elected.
The meeting was attended by Vice-President of the National Olympic Committee of Tajikistan Dilshod Nazarov, Olympic champion Zebuniso Rustamova, Secretary General of the National Olympic Committee, deputies and members of the federation.
The Chairman of the Sughd region Rajabboy Ahmadzoda was elected by a majority vote the Chairman of the Archery Federation, the head of the Youth Affairs and Sports Department of the Sughd region Mirzokosim Karimzoda was elected the Deputy Chairman of the Federation.