Foreign Trade Turnover of the Tajik Aluminum Company Amounts to More Than $ 113.2 Mllion
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DUSHANBE, 18.07.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – The foreign trade turnover of the Tajik Aluminum Company for 6 months of 2023 amounted to more than $ 113.2 million, including: imports – $ 48.9 million, exports – $ 64.3 million, that is, a positive balance of $ 15.4 million was achieved, which in the conditions of the ongoing financial crisis is a good indicator for export-import operations.
The amount of commercial products of the Tajik Aluminum Company in the first half of 2023 amounted to 232.9 million somoni, and the volume of sales of products – 227.0 million somoni.
For 6 months of 2023, the company revised and increased wages in more than 20 divisions and sections of the enterprise, as a result, the average salary of employees increased by 10% compared to the same indicator last year.
To date, the company employs more than 5,000 people, of which almost 2,000 are women. In the future, there is an opportunity to increase the number of employees by 1,500 — up to 2,000 people due to increased production and investment.