Share of Khatlon Region in the Short-Term Indicators of the Regional Development is 25.6%
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DUSHANBE, 12.07.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – In the first half of 2023, short-term indicators of the development of the Khatlon region have achieved positive results. The share of the region in the short-term indicators of the regional development is 25.6%. This was stated yesterday in Bokhtar at the meeting on the socio-economic development of the Khatlon region.
In the first half of 2023, short-term indicators of the development of Khatlon region reached 13.8 billion somoni, which is 8.2%, or 1.1 billion somoni more than in 6 months of 2022.
The tax plan as a whole for 6 months was provided by 102.7%, the budget received 1.1 billion somoni, which is 152.5 million somoni more than last year’s figures.
It was noted that according to the Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Khatlon region for 2021-2025, it is planned to implement 368 projects worth 8.5 billion somoni.
As of December 31, 2022, 131 projects worth 3.6 billion somoni, or 42.1%, have been implemented as part of the measures taken, work continues on other 95 projects.