Pakistan expressed readiness to use Tajikistan’s transit routes as a gateway to Central Asian markets

29 мая, 2024 14:21

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DUSHANBE, 29.05.2024 /NIAT “Khovar”/. The Minister of Economic Development and Trade Zavki Zavkizoda met with the Federal Minister of Transport, simultaneously responsible for investment and privatization of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Abdul Alim Khan.

During the meeting it was noted that Pakistan is ready to use Tajikistan’s transit routes as a gateway to Central Asian markets.

Zavki Zavkizoda noted that due to the wise and far-sighted policy of the leaders of the two countries, trade and economic cooperation between the states has been developing.

The sides discussed investment opportunities of the Republic of Tajikistan, especially in such sectors as textile, mining and energy, establishment of joint ventures in Tajikistan.

In addition, the sides expressed readiness to use transportation corridors of both countries. At the end of the meeting, the sides expressed readiness to increase bilateral trade turnover and fully utilize the opportunities of both countries.

29 мая, 2024 14:21

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