Netherlands committs to partnering with Tajikistan on water issues

13 июня, 2024 17:09

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DUSHANBE, 13.06.2024 /NIAT «Khovar»/. «Tajikistan was on the list of countries I always wanted to visit. Now, being here, I see what a beautiful country it is with a wonderful climate and friendly people. Tajikistan is one of the leaders in the field of water issues, of course, it is a country that has achieved the resolution and announcement of the decade of action «Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028». Jurrianne Middelhoff, Youth Ambassador for Commitment to Partnership with Tajikistan in Education and Water, told NIAT’s Khovar correspondent.

«Last year Tajikistan and the Netherlands came together to organize the Water Conference in New York. So today myself and our special water envoy from the Netherlands are in Dushanbe to show our commitment to the partnership with Tajikistan. I am very pleased that Tajikistan is also leading the way in engaging young people in solving water problems. Water problems are problems that require complex and non-standard solutions. For example, in the Netherlands we used to have an excess of water, but recently we have a shortage of water resources due to the climate crisis. In this direction, we can learn from Tajikistan in water resources management. Such conferences organized by your country are a great platform for sharing experience,» said Jurrianne Middelhoff.

13 июня, 2024 17:09

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