Tajik Pedagogical College and the Chinese Neijiang Normal University Sign Cooperation Agreement

5 июня, 2024 16:17

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DUSHANBE, 05.06.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – In order to strengthen cooperation in the development of teaching, education and learning of foreign languages, as well as the exchange of experience of teachers and students, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Khosiyat Makhsumova Pedagogical College of the Sadriddin Ayni Tajik State Pedagogical University and the Chinese Neijiang Pedagogical University.

The agreement was signed during the visit of representatives of the Neijiang Pedagogical University to the Pedagogical College.

The guests also opened the Chinese language department.

The guests expressed their readiness to cooperate with educational institutions of Tajikistan, including the Pedagogical College.

5 июня, 2024 16:17

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