Green Climate Fund Supports Funding for the CASP+ Project in Tajikistan

18 июля, 2024 19:18

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DUSHANBE, 18.07.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – The proposal to implement the Community Agriculture Support Project (CASP+) was approved at the 39th Governing Council meeting of the Green Climate Fund, which was held in Incheon of the Republic of Korea from July 15 through July 18.

The project agreement was signed on July 18 with the participation of the Chairman of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of Tajikistan Bahodur Sheralizoda, the Ambassador of Tajikistan to the Republic of Korea Salohiddin Kirom, Deputy Executive Director of the Green Climate Fund Henry Gonzalez and Country Director of the International Fund for Agricultural Development Roberto Longo.

The goal of the project is to promote the transition to sustainable development, taking into account the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the introduction of new methods of producing agricultural products that are resistant to climate change.

The project is funded by the Green Climate Fund and implemented by the International Fund for Agricultural Development.

The Green Climate Fund was created in 2010 by decision of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Climate Change to support the efforts of developing countries to respond to the threats of climate change.

18 июля, 2024 19:18

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