Tajik and Belarusian Internal Affairs Bodies Expand Cooperation

17 июля, 2024 08:41

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DUSHANBE, 17.07.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – Issues of countering organized criminal groups, combating terrorism and religious extremism, drug trafficking, extradition of wanted criminals, mutual cooperation within the SCO and CSTO were discussed in Dushanbe by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan Ramazon Rahimzoda and the Minister of Internal Affairs of Belarus Ivan Kubrakov.

Rahimzoda noted that the joint work of the internal affairs bodies of the two countries gives tangible results.

“Relations between the internal affairs bodies of the two countries within the framework of a strategic partnership are developing dynamically,” added Tajik Minister.

Kubrakov also expressed gratitude for the opportunity to visit Tajikistan.

He noted that the problem of information security is very relevant for all countries of the world.

“The state cannot develop if widespread security in society is not ensured,” emphasized Belarusian Minister.

17 июля, 2024 08:41

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