Bokhtar International Airport’s Revenue Amounts to 8.6 Million Somoni

6 августа, 2024 11:20

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DUSHANBE, 06.08.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – In the first 6 months of 2024, Bokhtar International Airport cooperated with two Russian airlines, including Severny Veter LLC and Siberia Airlines JSC, rported the Director General of Bokhtar International Airport Farhod Abdurashidzoda at a press conference.

During this period, the number of passengers served amounted to 40,695, of which 18,513 were received and 22,182 passengers were sent from the airport.

The total income of the enterprise amounted to 8,607,000 million somoni.

6 августа, 2024 11:20

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