Committee for Youth Affairs and Sports Will Reward the Winners of the Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games with Cash Prizes

2 августа, 2024 14:19

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DUSHANBE, 02.08.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – The Committee for Youth Affairs and Sports will reward the winners of the Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games with cash prizes from $10,000 through $20,000.

The Committee intends to award cash prizes to the winners and prize winners of the Olympic Games in collaboration with domestic entrepreneurs.

The first place winner will be awarded $20,000, the second place — $15,000, and the third place — $10,000.

This step will further raise the morale of the country’s athletes and lay the foundation for achieving their goals and objectives.

The winners and prize winners of the Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games will be awarded the Prize of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, including those who took first place will receive 300,000 somoni, second place — 250,000 somoni and third place — 200,000 somoni. Also, for the athletes who took honorable places, the Chairman of Dushanbe Rustam Emomali, will allocate a 3-, 2- and 1-room apartment.

2 августа, 2024 14:19

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