Number of Sports Facilities in Tajikistan Increased by 9 Times

6 августа, 2024 10:19

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DUSHANBE, 06.08.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – There are 10,934 sports facilities in the cities and districts of Tajikistan, reported the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Youth Affairs and Sports Shabnam Rahimzoda at a press conference.

«In particular, there are 126 stadiums, 7,601 sports grounds, 2,251 sports halls, 97 swimming pools, 88 health complexes and centers, and 771 special sports facilities for shooting, bowling, fitness, billiards, and tennis,» she added.

If before gaining independence, there were 1,500 sports facilities in Tajikistan, today this number has increased by 9 time and is approaching 11,000.

6 августа, 2024 10:19

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