Tajik-Chinese consultations on SCO issues

14 августа, 2024 15:25

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DUSHANBE, 14.08.2024 (NIAT Khovar) –  On August 13, 2024, Tajik-Chinese consultations on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization were held in Dushanbe.

The delegations of the parties were headed by Ahmad Saidmurodzoda, National Coordinator of the Republic of Tajikistan on SCO Affairs, and Zhang Haizhou, Special Representative of the Government of the People’s Republic of China on SCO Affairs.

According to the Tajik MFA Information Department, the sides discussed issues of interaction between the two countries in the upcoming period of China’s presidency in the SCO. Special attention was paid to the joint work of Dushanbe and Beijing on the implementation of initiatives of the two countries in the context of improving this organization.

14 августа, 2024 15:25

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