Over 1.4 Million Tourists Visit Tajikistan in 2024
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DUSHANBE, 17.02.2025 (NIAT Khovar) – In 2024, Tajikistan was visited by 1,603,300 foreign citizens, of which 1,400,000 people arrived as tourists. It was said on February 14 at a press conference by the Chairman of the Committee for Tourism Development under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Jamshed Jumakhonzoda.
According to him, this figure is 16.7% higher than the same period in 2023.
“During the reporting period, the number of citizens who entered Tajikistan from the CIS countries amounted to 1,469,300 people (91.6% of the total), of which 1,285,400 people were tourists, and from non-CIS countries – 134,000 people (8.5% of the total), of which 114,800 people were tourists,” he said.
At the end of 2024, 200 travel agencies operated, of which 35 were in GBAO, 94 in Dushanbe, 42 in Sughd region, 18 in Khatlon region and 11 in cities and districts of republican subordination.
“In total, there are 214 hotels, 46 hostels and motels, 54 sanatoriums, 12 health centers and camps, 10 rest houses, 3 campsites and 4 tourist and recreational centers in the republic,” noted Jamshed Jumakhonzoda.