Tajik Students Win 12 Places at the International Olympiad in Frankfurt
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DUSHANBE, 25.07.2022 (NIAT Khovar) – Students of the Lyceum for Gifted Students of Khujand represented Tajikistan and won 12 places at the ISTEM GRAND FINAL — 2022, which was held from July 19 through July 24 in Frankfurt.
Six students represented the Olympic team of Tajikistan at the Olympiad in Science and won 4 gold, 4 silver, 3 bronze medals and a place of honor in mathematics, information technology and natural sciences.
The result of Tajik students is one of the best among 93 countries and about 8,000 participants.
These talented students will also take part and represent Tajikistan at the World Forum of Young Mathematicians, which is being held in Paris from July 25 through July 27 this year.
The ISTEM GRAND FINAL — 2022 was organized 20 years ago by the famous American physicist Carl Weiman and the University of Colorado. More than 93 countries are included in the Olympic movement of this International Science Olympiad.