Congratulations of the leaders of foreign countries to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan

5 октября, 2024 08:00

On the occasion of the birthday of His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation has received congratulatory letters from heads of state and government of foreign countries, heads of international and regional organizations, as well as prominent state and public officials.

Dear Emomali Sharifovich,

I sincerely congratulate You on Your birthday.

You, indeed, are highly respected both among your compatriots and on the world stage. Under your leadership, Tajikistan is successfully progressing on the path of economic and social development and plays an important and constructive role in regional and international politics.

Russia appreciates your constant efforts aimed at further strengthening of strategic partnership and alliance between our countries, as well as promoting mutually beneficial relations within the framework of CSTO, CIS and SCO.

On the eve of our meeting, which will be held in Moscow in the coming days, I wish You, Honorable Emomali Sharifovich, my sincere wishes for continued health, well-being and new achievements in public activity.

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin


Dear Mr. President:

On the occasion of Your birthday, let me extend You my sincere congratulations and best wishes.

At the beginning of July of this year, I made a successful state visit to the Republic of Tajikistan, we held useful and fruitful negotiations with you, we jointly decided on the development of relations of comprehensive cooperation and strategic partnership between China and Tajikistan in the new era, agreed on a new starting point in connection with the formation of the Community of common destiny of China and Tajikistan, and we also made a big plan for the further development of comprehensive cooperation.

I highly appreciate the development of China-Tajikistan relations, I cherish the deep friendship between us, I am ready to work together with You to raise the comprehensive cooperation between our countries to a new level and to give a new impetus to the joint prosperity of China and Tajikistan.

I wish you good health, prosperity and great achievements in your responsible and supreme activity.

President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping


Distinguished Emomali Sharifovich,

Dear brother,

I am happy to congratulate Your Excellency on Your birthday and send you my best wishes.

We know you as an outstanding statesman and an experienced politician who has earned the respect and recognition of his people, ensured the independence of the state, and made a significant contribution to the economic and social development of the country, raising the level of people’s well-being, as well as strengthening the prestige and reputation of Tajikistan in the international arena.

With particular satisfaction, I would like to emphasize that thanks to the strong political will of both sides, our relations with Tajikistan, which has been our close friend and good neighbor since ancient times, have been raised to the highest level in recent years, fully covering our existing opportunities and potential.

It will not be an exaggeration if I say that the fruitful meetings during this year’s state visit to Tajikistan, the agreements reached in the important areas of our comprehensive and long-term relations, the signing of the Agreement on alliance relations opened a new stage of bilateral partnership.

Undoubtedly, thanks to joint efforts and endeavours, we will achieve even greater strengthening of multifaceted and mutually beneficial relations for the benefit of common prosperity and raising the level of well-being of two friendly and brotherly nations.

Dear Emomali Sharifovich, once again I sincerely congratulate You on this joyful and unforgettable day in Your life, I wish You good health, family happiness and new successes in the responsible activities of Your state, and peace, stability and continuous progress to the brotherly people of Tajikistan.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev


Dear Emomali Sharifovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes for Your birthday.

Bright achievements of our brother Tajikistan in the direction of political, socio-economic modernization, as well as the high influence of the state in the international community are inextricably linked with Your name and constructive activity as the Head of State.

I am sure that the statehood that You have created will be a strong supportive pillar for sustainable development and further progress of Your state in the future.

In Kazakhstan, you are respected as an outstanding international statesman, a reliable friend who made a historic contribution to the development of Kazakhstan-Tajikistan relations.

I highly value our friendship and reaffirm our firm interest in the comprehensive strengthening of interstate cooperation in the spirit of strategic partnership and alliance.

On this solemn day, dear Emomali Sharifovich, I wish you endless energy and new successes in Your responsible activities for the benefit of the brotherly people of Tajikistan.

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev


Dear Emomali Sharifovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of Your birthday!

Great success in all spheres of public and political life of Tajikistan, significant achievements in the country’s economic development and strengthening of its reputation in the world arena are inextricably linked with Your name.

I would like to express my gratitude to You for Your great personal role and deep interest in the strengthening and development of bilateral relations between Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. I am sure that the fraternal relations between Turkmenistan and Tajikistan will continue to grow and strengthen in the future with our joint efforts for the benefit of our people.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I sincerely wish You good health, happiness and success in your responsible state work.

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov


Dear Emomali Sharifovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes for Your birthday!

The Republic of Tajikistan has achieved great success under your wise and far-sighted leadership and is steadily strengthening its reputation in the international arena.

Our recent meetings in Dushanbe gave a strong impetus to the strengthening of friendly relations between our brotherly peoples and the deepening of cooperation between the two countries in various fields.

We are ready to continue further cooperation and support proposals and initiatives to expand cooperation between Turkmenistan and Tajikistan.

Taking advantage of this happy opportunity, I wish you, Emomali Sharifovich, from the bottom of my heart, strong health, family well-being and happiness, peace, progress and prosperity to the brotherly people of Tajikistan.

National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov


Dear Emomali Sharifovich,

Please accept my sincere congratulations on Your birthday.

The state policy that You are carrying out will contribute to the economic and social development of Your country, increase the well-being of the people and strengthen the influence of Tajikistan.

I am sure that relations between our countries will be strengthened and developed in the spirit of mutual trust, friendship and good neighborliness.

I wish You, Honorable Emomali Sharifovich, good health, success in Your state activities, and peace, stability and progress to the people of Tajikistan.

Sadyr Japarov, President of the Kyrgyz Republic


Dear Emomali Sharifovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes for Your birthday.

Under Your wise leadership, brotherly Tajikistan has progressed on a stable and balanced path of development, has achieved significant success in addressing social and economic tasks and implementing social and political reforms. Your continuous activity in the highest state position, which is full of achievements in all fields, has brought you great reputation both in Your country and in the international arena.

I would like to mention, in particular, Your personal contribution to the development of interstate relations and multifaceted cooperation between Azerbaijan and Tajikistan, which are based on the historical traditions of friendship, mutual understanding and support of our brotherly people.

I attach special importance to our close personal relations and highly appreciate the reliable nature of our meetings and conversations. I sincerely remember your state visit to Azerbaijan in May of this year, which laid the foundation for a new stage of rapprochement between our brother countries. I am sure that the important agreements reached within the framework of this visit and the signed documents, including the Declaration on strategic partnership, will give a fresh impetus to multifaceted cooperation between our countries.

Using this opportunity, I would like to emphasize our firm readiness to comprehensively strengthen and expand friendly relations and strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and Tajikistan together with You, and we will make all necessary efforts in this regard.

On this auspicious day, I wish you, Honorable Emomali Sharifovich, good health, well-being and success in Your responsible state work for the benefit of the brotherly people of Tajikistan.

Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan


Dear Emomali Sharifovich!

Please accept my sincere and warm congratulations on Your birthday.

Our many years of friendship, based on unlimited trust and deep respect, are of inestimable value to me.

Thanks to Your wise and balanced policy, rich management experience and political foresight, the Republic of Tajikistan has successfully developed and strengthened its prestige in the international arena. I am sure that Your selfless work for the benefit of the country will continue to help raise the standard of living of its citizens and preserve peace and tranquility in Central Asia.

I confirm the readiness to continue the close joint work for the further expansion of the multifaceted and long-term strategic partnership of Belarus and Tajikistan, which is based on the historical closeness of the two peoples.

From the bottom of my heart, I wish You, dear Emomali Sharipovich, good health, energy and strength to implement all Your plans and initiatives, and happiness to your family and loved ones.

President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko


Dear President, my dear friend,

On my own behalf and on behalf of the people of Turkiye, I sincerely congratulate You on Your birthday and wish You a long and stable life with your loved ones.

It is a reason to be happy that the relations between Turkiye and Tajikistan, which originate from our common cultural and historical heritage, are developing day by day.

I am willing to continue the close cooperation between the two countries in both bilateral and multilateral fields.

Using this opportunity, I would like to express my best wishes for the well-being, happiness and prosperity of the friendly people of Tajikistan.

President of Turkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan


Dear Emomali Sharifovich!

Please accept my congratulations on Your birthday!

Your hard work, personal qualities and rich political experience contribute to the further development of Tajikistan and increase the influence of Your state in the international arena.

On this occasion, I wish that Your country will continue to actively develop and achieve great goals under Your leadership. I always remember all my meetings and conversations with You with good feelings.

Taking this opportunity, I wish You, Honorable Emomali Sharifovich, good health, endless energy, grace and blessings to Your family, success and luck in the responsible activities of Your state, and happiness and unity to the brotherly people of Tajikistan.

First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev


Dear Emomali Sharipovich!

On behalf of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and personally, I congratulate You on Your birthday.

For many years, as the Head of State, You positively ensure the economic and social development of the country, the protection of rights and the continuous improvement of the quality of life of citizens.

Wise and reliable leadership earned You the respect of Your compatriots and reputation in the international arena. The Federation Council especially appreciates Your great personal contribution to strengthening the friendly relations between Russia and Tajikistan and deepening the integration processes in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. We are grateful for Your continued interest in inter-parliamentary dialogue.

I am confident that, with Your active support, the strategic partnership and alliance between Russia and Tajikistan will continue to help ensure security and sustainable development in the Central Asian region and implement new projects in the field of cultural and humanitarian cooperation.

I am always glad that I have the opportunity to understand Your point of view on political processes, effective assessment of cooperation between the legislative bodies of the two states, plans and prospects for its further expansion during personal communication.

Dear Emomali Sharipovich, I sincerely wish You good health, luck and success in your responsible activities for the benefit of the Republic of Tajikistan and its people.

Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.

Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matviyenko


His Excellency Emomali Rahmon,

President of the Republic of Tajikistan

It is a great honor and pleasure for me to express my sincere congratulations and best wishes to You, Excellency, on the occasion of Your birthday. I wish His Excellency good health and happiness, as well as progress and prosperity to the Government and friendly people of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes.

Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice President-Deputy Prime Minister, Chief of Staff of the President of the United Arab Emirates



Please accept my sincere congratulations on Your birthday.

Your unconditional political status and influence, wisdom, steadfastness and strategic realism, along with the endless support and trust of the noble Tajik people ensure the success of constructive socio-economic and political developments for the benefit of strengthening the statehood of the Republic of Tajikistan, providing the stability of the country and raising the level of well-being of its people.

I am sure that under your visionary leadership, which is based on immense devotion to serving the Motherland, Tajikistan will continue its path of stable and growing development.

Your contribution to the deepening and expansion of cooperation within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is immeasurable, and Your innovative initiatives and creative ideas play an important role in ensuring the security and continuous development of our region based on the durable principles of the «Shanghai Spirit».

From the bottom of my heart, I wish You, Mr. President, good health and further success in the responsible work of Your state, peace, well-being and prosperity to the Republic of Tajikistan and its brotherly people!»

Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Zhang Ming


Dear Emomali Rahmon!

Please accept my best wishes and sincere congratulations on the occasion of Your birthday. Under Your leadership, Tajikistan is steadily advancing on the path of stable development, continuously strengthening its military, political, economic and social potential, and has truly gained an influential position in the international arena.

I sincerely thank You for Your constant attention to the activities of the Collective Security Treaty Organization and its unwavering support as an active means of ensuring peace and stability in the territory of the organization’s responsibility.

From the bottom of my heart, Excellency, I wish you good health, success and new achievements in the multifaceted activities of Your state for the benefit of the Tajik people!

General Secretary of CSTO Imangali Tasmagambetov

The arrival of congratulatory letters addressed to the Leader of the Nation continues.

5 октября, 2024 08:00

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