Tajikistan and Azerbaijan outline action plan on economic cooperation until 2025

23 мая, 2024 15:00

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DUSHANBE, 24.05.2024 /NIAT «Khovar»/. The governments of Tajikistan and Azerbaijan have been instructed to take under strict control the full implementation of the Intergovernmental Action Plan on Economic Cooperation until 2025.

«In order to ensure more effective functioning of the Joint Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation, we have proposed to raise the level of its co-chairmanship to deputy prime ministers. We have also exchanged views on promoting the development of interparliamentary dialogue,» the head of state said at the press statement following talks with the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev .

«During the talks, we reiterated our readiness to consider the possibility of participation of Azerbaijani companies and financial institutions in the implementation of projects and programs in Tajikistan as a matter of priority» — he added.

The business forum held in Baku within the framework of our visit shows that the sides have ample opportunities to develop our trade and economic ties.

It is worth noting that the total amount of commercial contracts and agreements signed on the margins of the business forum totaled more than 700 million US dollars.

23 мая, 2024 15:00

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