Zinatullo Ismoilzoda elected the chairman of Union of Journalists of Tajikistan

Dushanbe, 18.01.2016. (NIAT “Khovar”). — The regular XIV Congress of Union of Journalists of Tajikistan was held on January 16 in Dushanbe. The congress was attended by 168 delegates from 175 total. The report of Presidium of Union of Journalists for 2010-2015 has been heard by delegates.
As a result of election, Zinatullo Ismoilzoda has been elected the chairman of Tajik Union of Journalists. Then, Assistant to President on Issues of Social Development and Public Relations Abdujabbor Rahmonzoda addressed before the delegates of the Congress.
It should be noted that before the chairman of Tajik Union of Journalists was Akbarali Sattorov, who died suddenly last year.