Tenth session of Majlis of people’s deputies of Dushanbe city, fifth convocation to be held on April 18

DUSHANBE, 10.04.2017 /NIAT “Khovar”/. The tenth session of Majlis of people’s deputies of Dushanbe city, fifth convocation will be held on 18 April 2017. NIAT “Khovar” has been reported by the Information and Analytical Department of the Office of the Chairman of Dushanbe city.
The corresponding decree was signed on April 7 by the Chairman of Dushanbe city Rustami Emomali.
According to the agenda, during the session will be considered: the report of the Chairman of city’s Electoral Commission on election of deputies to the Majlis of people’s deputies of Dushanbe city and the approving powers of deputies of Majlis of people’s deputies of Dushanbe city from polling station No. 25 and 62, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan from April 4, 2017 “On the appointment of Rustami Emomali as the Chairman of Dushanbe city”, the process of implementation of the programs and plan actions of the Executive body of state authority of Dushanbe city in connection with the announcement of 2017 as the “Year of youth” , as well as approval of resolutions of the Chairman of Dushanbe city.