Dushanbe hosted the third meeting of the Tajik-Indian Joint Working Croup on Combating International Terrorism

DUSHANBE, 15.06.2017 /NIAT “Khovar”/. On June 14, the third meeting of the Tajik-Indian Joint Working Group on Combating International Terrorism was held in Dushanbe. The delegation of Tajikistan was headed by First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Nizomiddin Zohidi and Indian delegation was led by the Deputy Minister of External Affairs of India Mahaveer Singhvi. NIAT “Khovar” has been reported by the MFA Information Department.
According to the ministry’s message, the delegations had an exchange of experience in combating terrorism and extremism, as well as organized crime. A constructive exchange of views took place on the assessment of terrorist threats at the national and regional levels.
The parties had a common position on many important issues related to ensuring regional and international security, and noted the need for effective interaction between the relevant agencies of the two countries in anti-terrorist and anti-drug areas.
Common approaches were fixed to combat terrorist group “Islamic state” (banned in Tajikistan) and foreign terrorists-fighters. In this context, the issues of radicalization of the population and measures aimed at countering terrorist and extremist groups in the information space were discussed.
The Indian side proposed to organize training courses for the specialists of Tajikistan in the field of combating international terrorism and ensuring information security.
Agreement was reached on establishing counter-terrorism cooperation within the UN and SCO.
The parties had also an exchange of views on other mutually beneficial areas of the Tajik-Indian cooperation, and agreed to hold a regular meeting of the Joint Inter-ministerial Group in New Delhi