Mayor of Dushanbe city Rustami Emomali allocated 2 million 920 thousand TJS to encourage women-workers of the sphere of communal services

DUSHANBE, 05.03.2018 /NIAT “Khovar”/. In accordance with the Decree of the Mayor of Dushanbe city Rustami Emomali, 2 million 920 thousand TJS were allocated within the framework of the urban traditions, devoted to Mother’s Day and the International Navruz holiday, as well as to encourage women of the Departments of road management, housing and communal services of the capital’s districts, cleaners at Mayor’s office and structures of the Executive body of state authority, making a significant contribution to the purity and improvement of the capital and administrative buildings.
As the Department of Public Information and External Affairs at Dushanbe mayor’s office reports, according to this Decree, the responsible persons are obliged to hand over solemnly the allocated amount to the women on the list until March 6.