Dushanbe Chairman’s Office Holds Conference Devoted to President Day
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DUSHANBE, 17.11.2020 (NIAT Khovar) – Due to the consistent efforts of President Emomali Rahmon, Tajikistan has strengthened its state independence and the Tajik people have reached enormous historical achievements on the path of reviving national statehood, and today they are steadily moving towards a brighter future. This was stated yesterday by the Deputy Chairman of Dushanbe Mavsuma Muini during her speech at the conference devoted to President Day.
The conference was organized by the Dushanbe Chairman’s Office and was titled Emomali Rahmon is a President Who Brought Unity, and the Leader Who Brought Peace.
The conference was attended by heads and employees of subordinate structures of the Dushanbe Chairman’s Office, scientists, poets, writers, specialists and experts, as well as media representatives.
Muini noted President Rahmon’s valuable contributions to the formation of the new state, ensuring peace and unity, increasing the authority of Tajikistan in the international arena. Since 2016, this day has been marked as President’s Day.
Since taking office, President Rahmon has laid the foundations of national peace, and returned to the homeland the forced refugees and displaced persons, laid a solid foundation for building a new society in Tajikistan.
President of the National Academy of Sciences Farhod Rahimi, member of the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda Makhfirat Khidirzoda, People’s Poet Muhammad Goib, Chairman of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions Maliksho Nematzoda and others spoke about Rahmon’s historical merits in the formation of a national state and strengthening the foundations of statehood.
Also, a documentary film Dostoni Peshvo (Leader’s Story) was shown about Rahmon’s achievements.
At the end, the conference participants visited the President Gift Hall and other halls of the National Museum, and got acquainted with the country’s latest history and achievements over the years of independence.