Dushanbe Hosts Opening Ceremony of the Asian Road and Para Cycling Championships
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DUSHANBE, 25.03.2022 (NIAT Khovar) – Yesterday, Dushanbe hosted the opening ceremony of the Asian Road and Para Cycling Championships, reports Office of the Dushanbe Chairman.
The opening ceremony was attended by the representative of the Presidential Executive Office Muhiddin Payshanbezoda, First Deputy Chairman of Dushanbe Jamshed Tabarzoda, Deputy Chairman of Dushanbe Dilbar Odilzoda, Chairman of the Committee for Youth and Sports Abdullo Rahmonzoda, representatives from different countries, participants of the championships and representatives of domestic and foreign media.
Initially, the guests and participants of the championships in the Kurushi Kabir Park visited the Festival of National Sports Games with the participation of more than 3,000 athletes and fans of national sports games.
Tabarzoda made speech on behalf of the Chairman of Dushanbe Rustam Emomali, and congratulated all the guests and participants who arrived from 30 countries.
The President of the Asian Cycling Asian Cycling Confederation Osama Al Shafar noted that the warm and sincere welcome of the cultural and glorious Tajik people made us very happy. Tajikistan is very favorable for holding such an international level event.
“I want, first of all, to express my endless gratitude to the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and the Speaker of the National Assembly, Chairman of Dushanbe Rustam Emomali,” he added.
Following the performance, the national teams of the championship participants held a solemn passing ceremony.
The guests were presented with a concert program.
The Asian Road and Para Cycling Championships will be held from March 25 through March 30 on the country’s highways.