Investments Help Develop Important Projects in Khatlon Region
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DUSHANBE, 28.09.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – The Chairman of the Khatlon region Davlatali Said met with the Managing Director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Central Asia Zsuzsanna Hargitai on September 27 in Bokhtar.
It was noted that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development supports the Khatlon region in the implementation of social programs. Several projects implemented jointly are aimed at improving the standard of living of the region’s population.
It was also said that the bank invested in important public sector projects, including a microcredit program, development of the agricultural sector, small and medium-sized businesses, water supply, urban and rural infrastructure, women and youth.
“The EBRD’s participation in the implementation of projects of regional importance, including the implementation of the CASA-1000 project, is very important for the country. The “Strategy for cooperation between the bank and Tajikistan for 2020-2025” was approved in 2020. It is aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises and improving the business environment, promoting regional integration, reforms in the energy sector and the development of infrastructure communications, supporting women and youth. As part of its projects, the EBRD helps the cities and districts of Bokhtar, Kulob, Norak and Yovon in improving the solid waste management system and providing the population with drinking water,” noted the head of the region.