Berlin Hosts a Meeting with Tajiks Living in Various Regions of Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic

14 мая, 2024 15:40

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DUSHANBE, 14.05.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – Berlin hosted a meeting with Tajiks of various professions living abroad, including students, people undergoing vocational training, doctors, entrepreneurs, athletes and diaspora activists from various regions of Germany, as well as Poland and the Czech Republic.

The Ambassador of Tajikistan to Germany Imomuddin Sattorov drew the attention of those present to the importance of strengthening national unity in the difficult conditions of the modern world, protecting and honoring national and cultural values, as well as worthy representation of the homeland and nation in the countries of residence.

It was emphasized that thanks to the constant efforts of the President Emomali Rahmon, Tajikistan has achieved significant achievements in various fields and is becoming more and more prosperous and beautiful.

The young people and students were encouraged to pay more attention to the study of modern technologies and contribute to the prosperity and progress of the homeland.

It was also noted the respect for the laws and rules of the country of residence and increased legal literacy of citizens, including in light of the Year of Legal Education.

A group of active compatriots were awarded letters of gratitude from the Embassy for their valuable contribution to promoting the history and culture of the ancient Tajik people and uniting compatriots in Germany and Poland.

14 мая, 2024 15:40

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