Climate change issues should be integrated into all plans and strategies of Central Asian states

13 июня, 2024 17:21

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DUSHANBE, 13.06.2024 /NIAT Khovar/. «It is very important today to conduct exactly such a dialog that deals with climate change. Such issues should be integrated into all our plans and strategies for the future development of Central Asian states. The conference being held in Dushanbe is a great opportunity to improve partnership,» said Dinara Ziganshina, Director of the Scientific Information Center of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination of Central Asia Dinara Ziganshina at the Third High-Level International Conference on the International Decade of Action «Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028».

State bodies, regional institutions, research centers, project organizations, and development donors are represented at the conference. It is necessary that joint actions should be directed to the benefit of the region. States should complement each other in one or another development sphere in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in all issues, including energy, food, climate, water.

«Without discussing important organizational, financial and political issues, it is impossible to plan anything. The Forum has become for us the platform that allows us not only to discuss but also to plan further joint actions», — Dinara Ziganshina noted.

13 июня, 2024 17:21

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