In the Republic of Tajikistan staff talks on the organization of a joint training «Rubezh-2024» with units of the CAR CRDF were held

21 июня, 2024 13:46

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DUSHANBE, 21.06.2024 /NIAT «Khovar»/.  From 18 to 20 June, in the Republic of Tajikistan, the second staff talks were held to organize and conduct an operational assembly with the Central Asian Region Collective Rapid Deployment Forces (CAR CRDF) Command and a joint training «Rubezh-2024» with CAR CRDF units.

In the course of staff talks, the procedure for holding an operational assembly with the CAR CRDF Command and the concept of the training, the timing and order of arrival of national contingents, the order of practical trainings, and the organization of comprehensive support were agreed upon.

A reconnaissance of the “Rubezh-2024” training area was conducted, which was determined to be the “Kharbmaidon” training range of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The CAR CRDF, including participation in repelling external military aggression and conducting joint counter-terrorist operations, are intended to carry out tasks to ensure the military security of the CSTO member states of the Central Asian region of collective security. The CSTO member states of the Central Asian Collective Security Region allocate military units and units of permanent readiness equipped with modern weapons, military and special equipment to the national contingents of the CSTO. The CAR CRDF grouping may have a different structure, composition and means of reinforcement, including aviation. The total number of troops is about 5,000..

21 июня, 2024 13:46

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