Tajik Representative Attends the Central Asian Second Forum on Trade Policy

5 июня, 2024 17:06

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DUSHANBE, 05.06.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – The issue of promoting the integration of Central Asia into the multilateral trading system by joining the World Trade Organization was discussed at the Central Asian Second Forum on Trade Policy entitled “Economic Integration through Membership in the World Trade Organization,” which took place in Almaty.

Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade Ahliddin Nuriddinzoda took part and spoke in the forum.

He noted that Tajikistan attaches particular importance to expanding multilateral cooperation with the countries of Central Asia, especially within the framework of the World Trade Organization.

It was held an exchange of countries’ experiences in the process of joining the World Trade Organization.

The specific proposals were made on the issues mentioned.

5 июня, 2024 17:06

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