The annual meeting of Rogun HPP shareholders was held today under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister of Tajikistan Kohir Rasulzoda

21 июня, 2024 17:11

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DUSHANBE, 21.06.2024 /NIAT «Khovar»/. Today under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Open Joint Stock Company «Rogun HPP» Kohir Rasulzoda held the annual general meeting of shareholders of the Open Joint Stock Company «Rogun HPP», reports NIAT «Khovar».

At the beginning of the meeting the attention of those present was drawn to timely fulfillment of the instructions of the Head of State, full utilization of natural opportunities and increase of «green» energy production at the expense of available resources.

The meeting heard the annual report on production, financial and auditing activities of the Open Joint Stock Company «Rogun HPP» for 2023, and presented the auditor’s report.

As follows from the analysis, in 2023 at Rogun HPP works are going according to plan, the necessary results in the direction of fulfillment of planned indicators have been achieved. At present, the construction of an important structure of the century continues round the clock.

The necessary conclusions on increasing the authorized capital, amendments to the Charter and Regulations on the operation management of the Open Joint Stock Company «Rogun HPP» were also adopted.

New members of the Supervisory Board of the Open Joint Stock Company «Rogun HPP» consisting of 13 persons, members of the Auditing Commission, new members of the Accounting and Election Commission and auditors of the Open Joint Stock Company «Rogun HPP» for 2024 were approved.

A total of 10 issues were considered at the annual general meeting of shareholders of Open Joint Stock Company «Rogun HPP» and relevant decisions were made.

21 июня, 2024 17:11

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