Achievements and Tourism Infrastructure of Dushanbe Are Regularly Promoted in Social Networks

31 июля, 2024 15:21

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DUSHANBE, 31.07.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – In order to present the beauty of Dushanbe, which is considered the tourist image of Tajikistan, and in which favorable opportunities have been created for ensuring the recreation of residents and guests, the pages of the Tourism Development Department of the capital’s Administration are active in social networks.

According to the Head of the capital’s Tourism Development Department Dilshod Jamshed, tourism is one of the important areas representing the state and the nation, history and culture, nature and folk traditions, its progress contributes to the comprehensive development of economic spheres, including the service sector, everyday life and production.

“In this regard, beautiful and impressive photographs of various corners, propaganda videos about the capital’s tourism potential are regularly published on the department’s pages on social networks Facebook (dushanbe-travel), Instagram ( and Telegram ( in order to present the beauty of the capital, promote the achievements and tourism infrastructure of Dushanbe, its historical and cultural sites. A single QR code has also been developed to enter these pages,” he added.

It was noted that guests and tourists can find interesting information on achievements, innovations, and tourism opportunities of the capital of Tajikistan — Dushanbe on the pages of the capital’s Tourism Development Department on social networks.

31 июля, 2024 15:21

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