Chairman of Dushanbe Rustam Emomali Familiarizes with the Construction Work on Abdulahad Kahhorov Street and at the National Theater

25 июля, 2024 13:00

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DUSHANBE, 25.07.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – Today, the Speaker of the National Assembly, Chairman of Dushanbe Rustam Emomali got acquainted with the progress of reconstruction work on Abdulahad Kahhorov Street.

The reconstruction of the road from Saadi Sherozi Avenue to the entrance to the Rudaki district will be carried out on the basis of the capital’s General Plan.

The length of the road is 6.6 kilometers. Eight lanes for vehicles will be built in two directions. There are two more separate public transport lines on certain sections of the road.

Along with this, 5 overpasses will be built in the future. Overpasses will be built at the intersection of Sohili and Yuzhnaya streets with the construction of a bridge over the Dushanbe River, at the intersection of Abdurahmon Jomi Street with Kahhorov Street, at the intersection of Abay Street with Kahhorov, at the intersection of Saadi Sherozi Avenue with Hofiz Sherozi Avenue and a two-level crossing with a bridge will be built at the intersection of Habibullo Nazarov Street and Sheralizoda Street.

The Chairman of Dushanbe instructed the builders to complete the remaining work with high quality and on time.

Also, Rustam Emomali got acquainted with the progress of construction work at the National Theater of Tajikistan.

The building of the National Theater consists of 2 underground and 5 above-ground floors. According to the project, it consists of 3 large halls and many other halls and rooms. Its main hall seats 2,500, there are also 2 auditoriums, one with 1,200 seats and the other with 1,000 seats. It also has an orchestra space, two side stages, a back stage, rehearsal rooms and other world class facilities.

The project of the National Theater was prepared by studying the design of the best theaters around the world and meets all modern standards.

During the familiarization, Chairman of Dushanbe gave instructions to specialists to carry out work at a high quality level and noted that the National Theater will become one of the largest and most beautiful objects in the republic.

25 июля, 2024 13:00

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