Mudflows Descended again in Northern Tajikistan

15 июля, 2024 11:09

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DUSHANBE, 15.07.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – The Committee for Emergency Situations and Civil Defense reports on emergency situations that occurred in a number of areas.

On July 13, heavy rains caused mudflows in the village of Iskodar of the Ayni district.

The mud mass flooded the garden plot of the village secondary educational institution and the living quarters of the houses. The damage is being determined and work is underway to eliminate the consequences of the disaster.

Help was sent to the affected citizens in the form of household and hygiene kits.

On the same day, mudflows in the Ayni’s village of Pasrud blocked the inter-village road. The road has now been completely cleared and traffic has been restored.

Heavy rainfall also caused mudflows in the rural communities of Kosatarosh, Shing, Loik Sherali and Voru of Panjikent. As a result, the descending mud mass damaged local roads, as well as agricultural land and power lines. There are no casualties.

Intense rainfall also triggered mudflows in the village of Padrog of the Kuhistoni Mastchoh district. As a result, mudflows flooded 200 meters of ditch, 50 acres of agricultural land, 10 acres of potato land and 200 meters of local roads.

In order to carry out work to eliminate the consequences of the disaster, district emergency commissions work on the ground.

It should be noted that until July 15, there remains the possibility of local mudflows, landslides, and increased water levels in rivers and reservoirs.

15 июля, 2024 11:09

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