Number of Internet Users in Tajikistan is 4.18 Million

26 июля, 2024 09:14

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DUSHANBE, 26.07.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – The number of Internet users together with mobile and fixed Internet users in Tajikistan is 4.18 million, reported the Deputy Head of the Communications Service Ahliddin Murtazozoda at a press conference.

In the first half of 2024, Tojiktelecom OJSC provided services worth more than 93,729,000 somoni, which is 1% more than the planned plan (92,761,000 somoni), compared to the first half of 2023 (77,540,000 somoni) in the amount of 20.9%, or in the amount of 16,189,000 somoni.

The number of clients with benefits is 6,420 people. During this period, communication services to beneficiaries amounted to 110,000 somoni.

26 июля, 2024 09:14

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