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More Than 250 Industrial Enterprises and Over 1,700 Jobs Created in Tajikistan in 2024

More Than 250 Industrial Enterprises and Over 1,700 Jobs Created in Tajikistan in 2024

🕔17:30, 1.Авг 2024

DUSHANBE, 01.08.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – In the first half of 2024, 251 new industrial enterprises were commissioned in Tajikistan. It was said at a press conference by the Minister of Industry and New Technologies Sherali Kabir. In particular, according to

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Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan Receive 7 Patents for Inventions

Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan Receive 7 Patents for Inventions

🕔16:57, 1.Авг 2024

DUSHANBE, 01.08.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – In the first half of 2024, scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan received 7 patents of Tajikistan, 3 small patents for inventions and 3 positive decisions on the issuance of small patents

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Agricultural Specialists of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan Exchange Experience

Agricultural Specialists of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan Exchange Experience

🕔11:10, 1.Авг 2024

DUSHANBE, 01.08.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – The delegation of Uzbekistan headed by the Minister of Agriculture of Uzbekistan Ibrohim Abdurahmonov visited agricultural lands in the Bobojon Gafurov district, reports the Press Service of the Chairman of the Sughd region. The guests

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Number of Entities in the Sughd FEZ Reaches 37

Number of Entities in the Sughd FEZ Reaches 37

🕔10:14, 1.Авг 2024

DUSHANBE, 01.08.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – In the first half of 2024, 3 new entities were registered in the Sughd free economic zone (FEZ), as a result of which the number of entities reached 37, of which 21 are engaged in

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