International Rescue Unit of Tajikistan Ready to Provide Assistance

2 августа, 2024 13:33

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DUSHANBE, 02.08.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – An international rescue unit has begun operating in Tajikistan, reported at a press conference the Chairman of the Committee for Emergency Situations and Civil Defense Rustam Nazarzoda.

«A group of rescuers from the Committee has received the necessary equipment and is undergoing training, in particular, in learning English,» he noted.

The Committee also plans to purchase a helicopter and heavy diving suits, which will improve the capabilities of the new department.

The international rescue unit was created per instructions of President to provide assistance to friendly states in emergency situations. For example, last year in Turkiye, 50 Tajik rescuers took part in search and rescue operations and showed good results.

2 августа, 2024 13:33

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