Islamabad Hosts Tajikistan — Pakistan Roadshow Event

16 августа, 2024 14:14

DUSHANBE, 16.08.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – On August 13, the Embassy of Tajikistan in Islamabad hosted the event entitled “Tajikistan — Pakistan Roadshow” to present tourism opportunities.

The event was attended by the Ambassador of Tajikistan to Pakistan Yusuf Sharifzoda, management of the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation, representatives of travel agencies of Tajikistan, 150 representatives of the tourism sector of Pakistan, the management of almost 70 travel companies and tour operators, airlines, local media, radio and television, as well as invited employees of diplomatic missions of Central Asian countries.

The Tajik delegation presented the tourism potential of Tajikistan to the participants of the event.

In conclusion, all participants were presented with memorable gifts, brochures and catalogs about tourist places and attractions of Tajikistan.

Additionally, 10 memorandums of cooperation were signed with Pakistani tourism companies, which were simultaneously invited to the Travel Market in Tajikistan, scheduled for late September 2024.

According to the General Director of Somon Travel LLC Umedjon Saidzoda, those present were able to learn about the tourist opportunities and attractions of Tajikistan, the Somon Air and the conditions for booking air tickets on the Dushanbe – Islamabad route, as well as enjoy new impressive videos about our country.

“The future of tourism in Tajikistan is bright, and we are proud of our country’s success in the international arena,” he noted.

Saidzoda emphasized that from August 8 through August 15, representatives of several travel agencies of Tajikistan visited Pakistan, as well as held business meetings with central and regional public and private structures of the Pakistani tourism sector.

The meeting focused on issues of tourism development, development of joint projects, organization of mutual info tours for travel companies, bloggers, media representatives, conducting joint tours in the region, as well as organizing courses on hospitality and provision of tourism services.

16 августа, 2024 14:14

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