More Than 250 Industrial Enterprises and Over 1,700 Jobs Created in Tajikistan in 2024

1 августа, 2024 17:30

DUSHANBE, 01.08.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – In the first half of 2024, 251 new industrial enterprises were commissioned in Tajikistan. It was said at a press conference by the Minister of Industry and New Technologies Sherali Kabir.

In particular, according to him, 1,714 jobs were created in the country.

The minister added that due to the new industrial enterprises products worth over 60 million somoni were manufactured.

The new industrial enterprises were commissioned as part of the Years of Industrial Development and the implementation of one of the country’s four strategic goals — accelerated industrialization of Tajikistan.

Of the 251 new enterprises, 62 are in the food industry, 66 are in the construction industry, 58 are in the automotive, defense and chemical industries, 49 are in the light industry. Another 5 enterprises are related to the mining, metallurgy and coal industries.

1 августа, 2024 17:30

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