Unified Calendar of Navruz-2025 Events in Dushanbe Has Been Developed
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DUSHANBE, 07.01.2025 (NIAT Khovar) – The Unified Calendar of Navruz-2025 Events in Dushanbe has been developed and is being coordinated with the relevant city structures. It was reported by the Tourism Development Department of the Office of Dushanbe Chairman.
After coordination, the Unified Calendar of Navruz-2025 Events will be provided to travel agencies, and tourist packages will also be developed and put up for sale.
According to the Tourism Development Department, along with this, an advertising video about the Navruz events has been prepared in Tajik, Russian, and English languages and presented for wide coverage through foreign media (videos in Chinese and Arabic are in the process of being developed).
Every year in Tajikistan, especially in Dushanbe, the International Navruz holiday is celebrated at a high and majestic level, within the framework of which various cultural and entertainment, scientific and practical, as well as mass sports events are held.
In particular, such as:
— Navruz caravan;
— A colorful theatrical program;
— International forum “Navruz of Dushanbe — the axis of cultural and tourist ties”;
— International tourism festival “Navruz of Dushanbe”;
— Concert programs in parks of culture and recreation;
— Republican and international competitions in national wrestling gushtingiri;
— Open competitions in equestrian sports and goat-pulling